A day may come when the Magi return, this day, we Ride with the Road and Wind! After months of preparation, deliberation, carefully and strategically selecting each piece of equipment for the journey at hand, I finally get to ride down the road! Woo hoo!!!
I woke up in the bedroom that I attained first satori in and sang "Leaving on a bike plane" to my new family, the I-pad, the Macbook Pro, and the Droid (C3KP).
I was supposed to leave yesterday, but I had four charts and numerous things to mail, including a writer's care package, my lap top backpack full of creative supplies. I shipped that ahead to Canada so when I get there and spend my first three months in a cool location working on creative projects and inspiring people with astrology, I won't have to lug my big mama backpack down to the internet cafe. Remember, my vow of the magi is to only linger in an awesome location for 3 months or 6 months if I really like it and the flow is happening, but no more than two seasons. We'll see how that vagabonding lifestyle goes. I think it will fit my nature like a glove.
I decided to wait till today because the Moon was moving in to activate my Grand Air Trine with Mercury over on my Gemini Moon. That seemed auspicious especially with Venus trine my Jupiter/Neptune/Mars in Sag and Mars squaring them. In addition to day was Father's Day and I wanted to get one last game of Scrabble in with my dad. I just played a seven letter-word "VINYARD" for 80 points and took the lead in the 2nd quarter! In addition to that, my good friend and spiritual sister Toni Toney of NewEarthWisdom.com is on her way back to Asheville from Ashland Oregon and just happened to stop for the night in Boulder, so we shared vegan chile and soy chais at the Book End cafe this morning (Thanks Lea!).
So after this game of Scrabble, I'm hopping on the bike and heading north into the Wilds of Wyoming. I'll be stopping today after a mere 31 miles in Loveland to hang with my mom for a night or two and watch movies and take more digital pictures o my writings before I lock them away in storage possibly forever...and then my next journey will take me from Fort Collins-Loveland, after visiting with my good friend and spiritual sister on the path Melissa the Chiropractor (who I sold my former Dell lap top and HD digital projector). I'm off to Laramie WY, 65 miles away. Hopefully I can make it in one day. I'm staying with friends o Melissa's who own an art gallery in the most liberal town in Wyoming! Can't wait to meet Shannon and bless her baby with a chart interpretation of her newborn baby. That will be exciting. I couldn't find my Gold, Frankincense ad myrrh, but oh well.
The Scrabble score currently stands at 262-210, but my dad looks like he's brewin' a big word over there across the table. I just drew the Q and I have a U on my rack, whew! He's going down on Father's Day. Sorry dad. I love ya but I can't let you beat me on my way out the door!
In other news, I found a great FTP program for the MAC called Transmit so I can upload website updates. We'll see how it goes, but I think it will be great.
I want to thank my stepmom and dad for hosting myself and Arian during these last four months near Boulder, my favorite city on the earth. I also want to thank all those clients and friends who ordered charts and sent donations to make this journey possible. I'll be taking those hand-knitted turquoise socks along for the journey! I look forward to meeting, working with, and playing in life with Alisha, fellow astrologer from Seattle who has fallen in love with nelson, British Columbia. That's the main reason I'm going there first instead of straight to San Francisco. We plan on creating an educational series called the Promethean Fire-Side Chats.
Can't wait to camp near the Grand Tetons on Wyoming and gaze at the stars at night! Finding cool camping spots will be exciting and fun. I'm a bit nervous and excited as I contemplate the future. But I am certain that I was born to undertake this quest, traveling alone at first until Arian catches up at the end of the Summer. Who knows where I'll be by then? Anyway, I hope you keep following this blog and checking in on my continuing adventures!
The last word on my rack is EXILE...very appropriate... My dad just gave in and played his last tile. Final Score 359-305. My 561st victory feels interesting because butterflies are fluttering in my stomach. Time to walk out the door and become one with the road! May the spiritual force of the Universe guide my wheels!
Good luck!